同侪学术辅导 同侪学术辅导


Peer Academic Coaches are available to support you in your 哲学 classes.  没有必要注册.  只是顺道拜访一下!

地点:Bolton 282

 周一晚7-9点 周三7-9PM
凯拉 内特


同行评议会议:论文 & 写作业

周一,4月15日PAC期间(晚上7-9点,Bolton 282)

Short Description: Approaching a paper deadline? 被文章的一部分卡住了? 想要 a fresh pair of eyes to look over your piece? 到PH PAC进行同行评审 即将到来的书面作业! (欢迎所有级别课程)


PH PAC电影之夜

Wednesday, 4/24 during PAC (7-9pm in Bolton 282)

Short Description: Join us at PAC for a screening of The Tree of Life (2011), and a lowkey discussion of how philosophy is represented in popular media – snacks provided!





内森 Hill '24 - PAC队长

主要: 哲学   内森

火博体育我: I'm a senior this year, and my majors are 哲学 and Religious Studies. 我是 especially interested in the way philosophy and religion overlap, influencing the 人们形成自我概念的方式. 在课堂之外,我喜欢花时间 the woods, practicing classical guitar, and drawing.

为什么PAC: My interest in PAC started when I realized that philosophy is not always as accessible 和其他学科一样. The texts and assignments can be challenging and confusing, especially when students are engaging with philosophical language for the first time. 访问 to peer-led academic support is an invaluable resource for those studying philosophy. 鉴于 the time and support, any student can think like a philosopher and demystify the language 重要思想家使用.

最喜欢的课程和原因: My favorite class so far is a tie between Memory and Retrospective Judgement and 哲学 疯狂的. Both classes were rigorous, but opened my mind to how philosophical thinking enables us to grapple with some of the most challenging questions and problems of 我们的时间.

学术建议: Form relationships with peers, even if it's just study group chats or acquaintances 从类. 上班时间!


主要: 哲学    莫莉

火博体育我的: Hi! My interests include reading, music, comedy, traveling, and of course, philosophy. I also love animals and have been vegan for about a year. 在火博体育,我是 Skidmo’ Daily, the satirical newspaper (@skidmodaily). 

为什么PAC: 我是 a firm believer that discussions with peers about class materials helps you 学的更好. Since 我是 passionate about philosophy, I hope I can help you to understand and engage with your philosophy coursework. 

最喜欢的课程和原因: So far, my favorite class at Skidmore has been Introduction to Logic with Peter 穆雷. It has helped me in many other classes, not just philosophy courses. 

学术的建议: Take classes that you genuinely enjoy and are interested in, and also don’t be afraid 在需要帮助的时候利用资源. 


火博体育我: Hi! 我是 a senior philosophy major and 西班牙语 minor. 我喜欢探索许多地方 different subjects at Skidmore, but ultimately fell in love with 哲学. 在校园里, 我是 also the captain of the Skidmore Equestrian Team!   


为什么PAC: I have learned some of the most valuable lessons in college from sharing my work with others, receiving feedback, and also reading the work of my peers. 我相信 PAC is a great place to do just this: talk through different points of thought in a thought- provoking subject to be able to deeper understand the material.

最喜欢的课程: My favorite class at Skidmore has been Love and Friendship with Professor Carli. I loved reading about the perspectives of many of the female philosophers that we read about and how this topic has evolved over time in relation to gender politics. 

学术建议: Don't be afraid 尝试 taking classes in areas of study that you would never think 尝试! 所以我选择了哲学!



主要: 哲学(德语/荣誉论坛辅修)

火博体育我: I'm a junior 哲学 major and German/Honors Forum minor with a passion for music 还有棋盘游戏. I have been playing the Cello for 11 years, and I continue to do 在火博体育也是如此. I'm the President of the Tabletop Club, where we play a large variety 桌游和角色扮演游戏. My favorite games are Bananagrams, Diplomacy, and Scythe - and I also like to make my own! 去年夏天我在哥本哈根, where I studied Environmental 哲学 and Postcolonialism in Denmark, Belgium, 和法国.

为什么PAC: As anyone who knows me will attest, I have a burning passion not just for philosophy, but for teaching as well - whatever the subject is - and philosophy is no exception. PAC is an outlet where I feel I can both help others to understand and develop their skills in philosophy, and also engage with material with my peers in an environment 课堂外.

最喜欢的课程和原因: So far, my favorite class has been Film Truth with Professor Lewis. 虽然我很享受 every philosophy class I've taken so far, that one in particular both challenged me, and introduced me to a field I was not previously familiar with.

学术建议:  Diversify your courseload across a number of fields. 你会惊讶地发现这是多么频繁 what you learn in one class intersects with and informs your other classes.