Mathematics and Statistics Department


数学与统计系研讨会举办行业就业研讨会 & 小组讨论


Seminar Talk: 2:30 – 3:00 p.m., “From Liberal Arts to Data Science," Dr. 金伯利 Fessel
Refreshments: 3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
小组讨论: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.,
小组成员:博士. 金伯利·费塞尔博士. Kai Sikorski, Edvin Leon ’19, Xinyi Gu ‘20

虽然令人兴奋,但不断发展的数据科学领域可能会让人感到排他性和无定形, and down-right scary. Data literacy seems important given that so many of tomorrow’s 工作将以这样或那样的形式涉及人工智能,但具体是什么 is data science and how can you get started learning about it?

在这次演讲中,我将分享一些我所学到的最重要的东西 从我作为一名文理学院学生和博士后研究员的经历来看, 广告分析师,数据科学训练营主任,现在是数据自由职业者 顾问. Find out what the biggest differences between academia and industry are, 作为一名数据科学家的工作是什么样的,如何制作一个杀手级的教学视频 以及你现在可以参加哪些课程来为自己的潜力做好准备 career leveraging data.

MAMS Industry Panel 2023

的 Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the CLTL present:

与博士的两件事. 帕梅拉·E. Harris, Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

在总统自由裁量权基金和查尔斯 Lubin Family Chair for Women in Science

演讲者生物: Dr. 帕梅拉·E. Harris is a Mexican-American mathematician. She serves as Associate 威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校数学科学系教授. She co-founded and serves as President of Lathisms: Latinxs and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences. She cohosts the podcast Mathematically Uncensored and coauthored the books 问与答:倡导有色人种学生在数学、实践和政策方面的对话; 提倡有色人种学生学习数学,阅读和纠正:故事 Advocacy from Students of Color in Mathematics. 完整的 这里有生物信息.

事件1: “On Becoming Better Mentors and Advocates in STEM,” a faculty workshop

Monday, February 27, 10 a.m.


描述在这次演讲中,我将讨论我过去的一些指导经验及其效果 on my self-confidence and my career progression. Based on these experiences I share concrete ideas on how to build better mentoring relationships. I also detail how becoming 提倡在STEM领域进行系统性和文化变革提供了另一种方式 帮助创造一个环境,让那些历史上被低估的群体的成员 and underserved can thrive authentically in the STEM community.

事件2: “Parking Functions: Choose Your Own Adventure,” a research talk

Monday, February 27, 2 p.m.


摘要:考虑一个单向车道上有n个连续停车位的停车场 街道标号1至 n. 假设 n 每辆车都想在停车场一次停一辆车,每辆车都有一个首选的停车位 点. Each car coming into the lot initially tries to park in its preferred 点. 然而,如果一辆车的首选位置已经被占用,那么它将继续前进 in the street parking in the next available 点. Since the parking lot is along a 单行道,不能保证每辆车都能在行驶前停车 past the parking lot. 如果我们让 ai denote the preference of car i and all of the cars are able to park under these conditions, then the preference 列表(A1, a2,…,an)被称为 停车功能 (长度 n).  例如,(1,2,4,2,2)是一个停车函数,但(1,2,2,5,5)不是(您应该) convince yourself of this!). In this talk we provide an answer to the 问题 of how many 停车功能s of length n 我们认为有许多新的研究途径源于这一列举 问题.


帕梅拉•哈里斯 poster

Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Seminar: To Infinity and Beyond

Dr. 《黄美国国家科学基金会MPS-Ascend博士后研究员,Griffiths助理研究教授 of Math at Duke University

周五,11月. 2022年下午3点.m. with refreshments starting at 2:30 p.m.

爱默生礼堂, Palamountain Hall

这是我们秋季学期的最后一次研讨会,火博体育的《数学与统计 Department is excited to welcome speaker Dr. 《黄 from Duke University. 请 下午2:30加入我们m in 爱默生礼堂 for refreshments 和谈话. Dr. Wong’s talk will begin at 3 pm.

文摘:  在这个演讲中,我将给一个温和的介绍表面,物体类似 the outer layer of a soccer ball or the glaze on a donut. Along the way, we will talk 火博体育生活在表面上意味着什么以及如何利用我们对表面的理解 to study our universe.

《黄 seminar flyer


Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Seminar: “Rainbow Problems in Groups”

Dr. 迈克尔年轻, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Carnegie Mellon University

周五,10月. 21, 2022, 3 p.m. with refreshments starting at 2:30 pm

Palamountain 202 

在我们十月的研讨会上,火博体育的数学和统计系是 excited to welcome speaker Dr. 迈克尔年轻 from Carnegie Mellon University. 请 下午2:30加入我们.m. in Palamountain 202 for refreshments 和谈话. Dr. 年轻的 talk will begin at 3 p.m.

摘要:如果一个集合的每个元素都被赋予一个不同的元素,则认为这个集合是彩虹的 color. In this talk, we will discuss problems and techniques about determining the 为保证整数的每次上色所需的最小上色数 contains a set of integers that is rainbow and a solution to a given equation.

MAMS October 21 seminar


周四,10月. 20, 2022, 7 p.m.

Glotzbach Atrium of the Center for Integrated Sciences

的 Math/Stat Departmental Seminar is excited to announce that we'll be hosting a Graduate School 小组讨论. This event is open to students of all years who want to learn more about mathematics and statistics graduate programs. 你不需要 need to be a declared math major/minor or stat minor to attend. 来尝尝吧 of pizza while asking all the 问题s you have about grad school -- things like "What can I do with a graduate degree?", "What is grad school like?、“我怎么准备??", and "Where should I apply?" Our panel consists of four experts, two of whom are Skidmore 校友. 小组成员包括:

迈克尔年轻Dr. 迈克尔年轻 (卡耐基梅隆大学)——迈克尔·杨是数学系副教授 and the Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Carnegie Mellon University. He 是一位有成就的离散数学研究者和爱荷华州的前主任 State University's Postbaccalaureate Certificate program. 

凯利IshamDr. 凯利Isham 2016年(科尔盖特大学)——凯利·伊沙姆2016年从火博体育大学毕业,并得到了她 PhD in mathematics at the University of California, Irvine in 2021. 她一直在 从2021年开始担任科尔盖特大学客座助理教授,现在是 an Assistant Professor.

Vojtech KejzlarDr. Vojtech Kejzlar (火博体育大学) - Vojtech Kejzlar completed his PhD in Statistics at Michigan State University in 2020. He is an Assistant Professor of Statistics in the Mathematics and Statistics Department at Skidmore.

苏珊娜·奥哈拉苏珊娜·奥哈拉,21岁 苏珊娜·奥哈拉目前是米德尔敦卫斯理大学的一名研究生, CT. 他们正在攻读数学博士学位的第二年 在代数.


RSVPs are appreciated, but not required. 你可以发邮件 Dr. 克里斯汀•Hogenson to RSVP or for more information about the event.

MAMS Grad School Panel

Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Seminar: “Dating the Demise of the Dinosaurs”

Dr. 史蒂夫·C. 王, Professor of Statistics, Swarthmore College

星期五,9月. 30, 2022, Refreshments at 2:30 pm, Remote Talk at 3:00 pm

We are excited to kick off the 2022-2023 seminar series with speaker Dr. 史蒂夫·C. 王 from Swarthmore College. 请 join us for refreshments starting at 2:30 pm, followed by talk starting at 3:00 pm. This will be a virtual talk and attendees are 欢迎参加在CIS 348的Zoom演示,或从其他地点通过Zoom加入.

Why did the dinosaurs go extinct, and 当? 我们怎么知道? Much of our knowledge of the history of life comes from the fossil record. But the fossil record is incomplete, 结果是, potentially misleading. How, then, can we learn anything about life on earth millions 多年前? In this talk I will discuss my research on how we can recognize mass extinctions --such as the one that killed the dinosaurs --from imperfect clues in the fossil record. Along the way we will explore some seemingly unrelated topics, including how the Allies estimated the strength of enemy forces during 二战.

请发邮件给. 西拉·萨博说 cszabo@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com 点击缩放链接.

Dr. 史蒂夫·C. 王

Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Seminar: “Math 及文娱科技”

Dr. Nelson Colón, Digital Service Expert (AI/ML & Cyber) at Defense Digital Service

Friday, April 15, 2022, 3-4 p.m. 通过放大

We are pleased to welcome speaker Dr. Nelson Colón who will lead an informal conversation 火博体育数学及其在私营部门和公民技术等方面的应用 possible career paths outside of academia for students with a STEM background. 

Dr. Colón is a Mathematician and Data Scientist with a passion for Education, Equity 及文娱科技.  Nel received a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Iowa for his work in Topological Quantum Field 的ory.  He also worked at Microsoft for the Intellectual Property Products & Solutions team where he led the development of Machine Learning products to detect Fraud, Waste & 滥用.  Nel left the private sector to 担任了三届白宫总统创新研究员,领导 开发人工智能产品,以加快我国退伍军人的福利处理.  He is currently on a two-year 之旅 of service at the Department of Defense, where he serves as a Subject Matter Expert on AI and Cybersecurity to the Department.

请发邮件给. 克尔斯滕·霍根森报道 khogenso@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com 点击缩放链接.

Mathematics Seminar March 25 event poster

Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Seminar

“Crocheting Mathematics”
Dr. Hanne Kekkonen, Assistant Professor at TU Delft, Netherlands
Friday, March 25, 2022, 12-1 p.m., hyflex in Tang Museum Malloy Gallery and on Zoom

We are pleased to welcome speaker and Radical Fiber artist Dr. Hanne Kekkonen will give the general-level talk “Crocheting Mathematics.”  This talk will be broadcast in the Tang Museum so afterward attendees can view Dr. Kekkonen’s work, as well as the full Radical Fiber exhibit. 

请访问我们 abstract, Zoom link, and an RSVP form.  请 博士的邮件. 克里斯汀•Hogenson if you have any 问题s.

Hanne Kekkonen博士

Mathematics Seminar March 25 event poster

Mark Huibregtse、Rachel Roe-Dale和Becky Trousil教授担任指导教师 唐展

在过去两年的大部分时间里,MAMS部门的三名成员(Mark Huibregtse, Rachel Roe-Dale和Becky Trousil)是学院顾问委员会的成员 协助Rebecca McNamara (Tang副策展人)策划展览 Radical Fiber: Threads 连接ing Art and Science.  的 exhibit features a wide variety of pieces in the fiber arts that exemplify 艺术和科学之间的深层联系和影响途径(包括 mathematics), with the paths of influence and inspiration flowing both ways.  的 咨询委员会帮助挑选最相关的作品 在火博体育的课程上,写了一些简短的“墙上标签”文章,描述了一些 pieces and the related scientific ideas.  We also participated in the opening reception 为了展览,包括在策展人的现场直播中担任导游 之旅. Now that the exhibit is up and running (through June 12,2022年),咨询委员会成员将撰写他们的“图书论文” to the exhibition catalogue that expand on the wall labels.  We all enjoyed the experience 在咨询委员会工作,我们敦促大家一定要去看展览.

探索more 2022

Mathematics and Statistics “探索More” Information Session & π的一天

Friday, March 4, 2022, 2–3 p.m.

CIS 348室

Join us to learn about the Mathematics major and Mathematics & Statistics minor programs, 火博体育各种自主学习的机会,火博体育课外教育 and social departmental events, pi(e), and more.

Mathematics Statistics Feb 18 event flyer

Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Seminar

"Fixed Points, Stability, and Oscillations: How can we manipulate 系统?"

Dr. 金Ayers, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at California State University San Marcos

周五,2月. 18, 2022, 2-3 p.m.通过放大

We are pleased to welcome speaker Dr. 金正日Ayers他将做题为“定点、稳定性和振荡:我们如何操纵”的演讲 系统?"  请 see the attached poster for abstract.

For a Zoom link to attend this talk, please email:  Dr. 克里斯汀•Hogenson: khogenso@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com


Mathematics Statistics Feb 18 event flyer