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Skidmore College
Off-Campus Study & 交流

Policies and Procedures
请愿书 Guidelines for Off-Campus Study

Grade Point Average Below 2.75

Skidmore students who do not meet the minimum 2.75 GPA (cumulative) requirement must 请愿书 to the Committee on Academic Standing (中科院) for approval to study off campus. 中科院 is responsible for final decisions regarding eligibility to apply to study off campus.


  • Prepare a letter to 中科院 explaining their academic history;
  • Submit two (2) letters of support from members of the faculty who are familiar with their academic work;
  • Meet with the Off-Campus Study & 交流 representative to 中科院 for review of the 请愿书.

请愿书 documents must be submitted to Off-Campus Study & 交流 with the completed Skidmore application to off campus. Off-Campus Study & 交流 presents these materials to 中科院; 中科院 reviews the 请愿书s and makes the final decision on eligibility for off-campus study.

学生 are notified of the Committee's decision by Off-Campus Study & 交流. 学生 should allow 两(2)周 for processing and presentation to the Committee. 学生 should submit their application to Off-Campus Study & 交流 at least three (3) weeks prior to the application deadline of their chosen program. 学生 should not submit applications to their program provider of choice without prior 中科院 approval.


Off-Campus Study Outside of the Junior Year

Customarily, students apply to study off campus during their junior year. 学生 at other stages in their Skidmore education are required to:

  • Submit, with their Skidmore program or Approved Program online application, a short letter of intent explaining why they want to study off campus outside of the junior year, including details about their academic plans for the remainder of their time 火博体育; 
  • Submit a letter of faculty support (ideally from the student's faculty advisor). 这 can be sent in an email to 

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