


Stress is the body's response to things that upset or excite us. 压力可以是急性的 (a pop quiz or a bomb threat), episodic (monthly bills or quarterly exams), or chronic (rush hour traffic, a learning disability, or an alcohol dependant parent or spouse), 取决于引起应激反应的应激源. 并非所有的压力源都是负面的. Some of life's happiest moments are enormously stressful (births, reunions, 和 weddings). 这种有益的压力被称为良性压力. 苦恼是压力的消极形式 哪些会扰乱我们的生活,对我们的健康有害. 痛苦与 to an increase risk of developing heart disease, a decreased function of the immune 系统, 和 other health problems including migraine headaches 和 a disrupted digestive 系统. College students are under considerable amounts of stress on a daily basis. Their response to that stress may lead to increased numbers of headaches, anxiety, anger, crying, depression, or starting new habits like smoking or drinking.


Starting college can be an incredibly stressful event for many students. 生活在一起 other people, moving away from home, adapting to the new social environment 和 the academic workload can put college students under a great amount of stress each day. Their response to stress may lead to an increased number of headaches, anxiety, anger, crying, depression, or new habits like smoking 和 drinking.


When you begin college, you may want to think about the ways in which you currently 处理压力和健康的应对方法. 有一些健康的方法可以减轻压力, such as talking to others, cultivating hobbies, using relaxation techniques or exercise can greatly improve your ability to cope with the stressors of everyday life 和 reduce 压力的负面影响. 健康促进办公室咨询中心 are also always available as resources for students who need assistance in coping 因为大学的压力.


  • Strive for balance - review plans 和 commitments 和 scale down if necessary
  • Get the facts - when faced with a change or challenge, seek accurate information, 这能把模糊的恐惧带到现实中来.
  • Talk to someone you trust - A friend or a health professional can offer valuable perspective 以及心理支持.
  • Exercise - Even when your schedule gets jammed, try to work out 20 to 30 minutes several times a week (walk, swim, bicycle, jog, walk, or work out at the gym).
  • Help others - one of the most effective ways of dealing with stress is to find people who are dealing with hard situations as well 和 do something positive for them.
  • Cultivate hobbies - pursuing a personal pleasure can distract you from the stressors 在你的生活中,帮助你放松.
  • Master a form of relaxation - Whether you choose meditation, yoga, mindfulness, or 另一个技巧是,经常练习.



Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a technique that involves tensing 和 relaxing 身体部位减少焦虑,达到放松. 它特别有用 适合身体紧张、头痛或失眠的人. PMR是最有帮助的,当它 是定期练习20分钟吗. 对于每个序列,集中注意力 on the sensations that come from tensing 和 relaxing each body part. 如果你介意 开始徘徊,轻轻地引导它回到你的肌肉. 按照以下步骤开始 使用PMR:

  1. 在安静舒适的地方坐下或躺下.
  2. Begin focusing on your breathing 和 take a few deep abdominal breaths as you imagine 你的身体变得更加放松.
  3. Clench one or both fists as tightly as you can for about ten seconds. 注意 到那个肌肉群,把注意力集中在紧张的感觉上. 然后松开你的拳头 for 10-20 seconds 和 notice the difference in how it feels to relax your h和s. 想象一下 紧张感从你的身体中消失. (Use the same technique for each of the following muscle groups.)
  4. 用一个或两个二头肌锻炼肌肉. 专注于紧张,然后放松.
  5. Hold your arms out straight in front of you 和 lock your elbows to tighten your triceps. 坚持……然后放松.
  6. 皱起额头. 坚持……然后放松. 想象你的额头变得光滑 和软.
  7. 闭上你的眼睛. 坚持……然后放松. 让放松的感觉传播开来 满是你的脸.
  8. 把你的嘴张得尽可能大. 坚持……然后放松. 让你的下巴下垂 你的双唇分开.
  9. 轻轻地向后倾斜你的头. 坚持……然后放松.
  10. 把肩膀抬到耳朵边. 坚持……然后放松.
  11. 向后挤压肩胛骨. 坚持……然后放松.
  12. 屏住呼吸十秒钟,然后慢慢释放.
  13. 收紧腹肌. 坚持……然后放松.
  14. 收紧臀部. 坚持……然后放松.
  15. 收紧大腿肌肉. 坚持……然后放松.
  16. 用脚指着. 坚持……然后放松
  17. 弯曲你的脚. 坚持……然后放松.
  18. 注意 to your body 和 notice w在这里 t在这里 is any tension. 如果你感到紧张 在任何地方,重复这个肌肉群.
  19. Let yourself sink into your chair or bed 和 focus on the feeling of relaxation in 每个肌肉群.

*Some people find it easier to listen to a tape or video that guides you through the 在做PMR的时候做运动. 点击 在这里 在YouTube上观看PMR视频,或者自己制作视频!*



Anxiety often causes us to take quick, shallow breaths that make our chests rise 和 秋天. Deep breathing or diaphragmatic breathing can help trigger a relaxation response 对我们的身体和思想都有好处. 横膈膜呼吸包括深呼吸 呼吸来自腹部而不是胸腔. 这个技巧,当练习的时候 time in stressful 和 non-stressful situations, can help us feel relaxed more quickly. It is easy to learn 和 no one around you will even know you’re doing it! 遵循这些 开始训练自己深呼吸的步骤:

  1. Either sit or lie down somew在这里 comfortable 和 begin paying attention to your breathing.
  2. Place one h和 on your chest 和 one h和 on your abdomen to see if you’re taking short, shallow breaths (with your chest rising 和 秋天ing) or breathing more deeply (腹部上下起伏).
  3. 开始用鼻子慢慢地深深地吸气. 试着深呼吸 你的肺腑之言. You should feel the h和 on your abdomen rise as it exp和s 用空气——想想吹一个沙滩球.
  4. When taking a breath, pause for a moment, 和 then exhale as slowly 和 fully as you can 和 try to imagine any tension in your body draining away leaving you feeling 像布娃娃一样软绵绵的.
  5. 做十次腹式呼吸. 有时每个数到四会有帮助 吸气和呼气来减缓你的呼吸.e. 吸气2,3,4,屏住 出2…3…4.
  6. If you become dizzy or light-headed at any point, take a break 和 breathe normally 在再次尝试之前

If you are having a hard time dealing with the stress in you life you can make an 约会地点: 高校心理咨询中心 by stopping by the office on the first floor of Jonsson Tower or calling 580-5555.


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