


Q. 咨询中心在哪里?

我们位于约翰逊大厦的一楼. 我们的营业时间是上午9点到下午12点 在秋季和春季学期的下午1点至下午4:30. 在夏季课程期间,我们开放 上午九时至十一时三十分及下午十二时至三时. 你的火博体育身份证可以让你进塔 在办公时间,即使你不住在大楼里.

Q. 如果我只在晚上或周末有空怎么办?

火博体育学院与 BetterMynd, an online therapy platform, to offer students access to free teletherapy sessions 有执照的心理健康咨询师组成的多元化网络.

These 50-minute live video sessions are confidential and can take place from the convenience 你的笔记本电脑、智能手机或平板电脑. 远程治疗课程可在 day, at night, and on weekends, so you can get support whenever it's best for you.


Q. 谁有资格获得服务?

直接临床服务(i.e.、个别咨询和治疗预约; skill-building workshops, emergency services) at the 咨询中心 are available 成为火博体育学院的正式学生. 转介协助及 third-party consultations regarding students of concern are available to all members 更广泛的火博体育社区.

资格 for summer services at the 咨询中心 is dependent on being an actively matriculating Skidmore student who is on-campus in order to: (1) take a course, (2)参与合作研究,或(3)在校内工作. 资格 跨越活动发生的时间范围(例如.g.,学生 are only enrolled in one summer session are eligible for services during that summer (而不是整个夏天).

Q. 我怎样预约?

You can call our front desk (580-5555) to schedule a time to come in, or stop by during 营业时间. 我们要求学生第一次来咨询中心 time come in during the morning hours, if possible, so that you have time to fill 拿出一些文书工作. 所有第一次来咨询中心的学生 are asked to fill out a few minutes’ worth of paperwork, including a brief self-report 测量. 这一措施可以帮助我们更多地了解你的困难,这很有帮助 我们会及时安排您的会面.

Q. 在与临床医生的个人咨询中会发生什么?

In your APPOINTMENTS, the clinician will work with you to develop a clear understanding of the immediate concerns that have led you to seek support, will help prioritize your goals, and will help you develop some concrete strategies for addressing the 其中最紧迫的是. 在课程结束时,你将掌握一些工具和策略 to put into action that help reduce your distress and shift your presenting concern 以积极的方式.

If your concern is ongoing or part of a larger set of difficulties, you and your clinician will discuss resources that might be helpful beyond the initial consultation APPOINTMENTS. These might include one of the skill-building workshops offered at the Center, open-ended treatment with a local mental health clinician, or returning to the 咨询中心 按需要预约额外的“一次一次”诊症. 我们也可以 encourage you to use other campus resources, like the Skidmore Mindfulness program, 健康指导和同伴辅导.

Q. 在技能培养研讨会上发生了什么?

In our skill-building workshops, four to six students meet once a week for three weeks 和中心的一位临床医生. 讲习班的目的是帮助学生 better understand the concerns that led them to seek support, and to learn and practice 在会话中使用一些工具来更好地管理这些关注点. 讲习班不同于 group therapy in that they are less about exploration and more focused on helping student develop concrete strategies for reducing their distress and coping more positively 他们的担忧. 不需要预先筛选.

Q. 在咨询中心有session limit吗?

是的.  咨询中心提供多达八个个人咨询会议 每学生学年数. 此会期限制不包括紧急APPOINTMENTS; 第三方咨询预约,或技能建设研讨会. 学生 are referred to community therapists continue to be welcome to use emergency services 并根据需要进行第三方磋商.

去年,600多名学生在咨询中心寻求帮助. 一个小 其中不到10%的学生达到了8节课的上限. 有 a session limit and working in a “one-at-a-time” consultation model helps us to provide services to as many students as possible while also maintaining a reasonable wait 预约时间. 我们初次预约的平均等待时间通常是 只需3个工作日. 

Q. 如果我被推荐到社区怎么办?

If a student requires ongoing, longer-term, or more specialized care than the Counseling 中心可以提供,我们就会报价 转介给社区的临床医生 谁能提供这样的照顾. 如果你被推荐给社区的临床医生,你 需要使用你的健康保险还是自付医疗费.  我们将 make every effort to ensure that referral fits your clinical and practical needs. If the referral is not working for you, for any reason, you are encouraged to contact 咨询中心讨论其他转诊选择.

Q. confidentiality工作是如何进行的??

我们非常重视你的隐私. 我们不会透露任何信息 about you, including the fact that you have come to the 咨询中心, to anyone 没有你的允许. 在非常罕见和非常特殊的情况下,我们可能是道德和/或 在法律上有义务泄露机密. confidentiality的例外情况包括:  if we judge that you are at imminent risk for seriously hurting yourself or someone else, if you tell us about any current instance of child or elder abuse or if we are 法官命令法院披露记录. 请注意,我们与一家公司签约 外部机构提供我们部分下班后随叫随到的服务. 对于连续性 of care and to help ensure appropriate management of potential 紧急 situations, 如有必要,我们与该机构交换风险相关信息. 他们的记录 也是confidentiality的.  如果你有更多火博体育confidentiality的问题,我们鼓励 你应该问问你的临床医生.

Q. 咨询中心提供哪些紧急服务?

Same-day APPOINTMENTSs are always available for any student who is experiencing a risk-related 紧急. 符合紧急约见条件的情况包括:(1) concern about one’s own safety due to suicidal thoughts or threats from others; (2) having thoughts of seriously harming another person; (3) hearing or seeing things that others are not (that is, difficulty with reality testing); or, (4) experiencing 最近的身体或性侵犯. 如果你正在经历其中一种情况, please come to the 咨询中心 immediately and ask for an 紧急 APPOINTMENTS. 如果办公室close,请下楼到校园安全中心.

The 咨询中心 also has after-hours emergency services available by telephone 办公室关门的时候,包括午餐时间. 学生可以联系 with these services by calling the 咨询中心 main number (518-580-5555) and 按照提示访问适当的资源. 关心的学生 about the safety of a peer are also welcome to use our on-call services or to request 当天的紧急咨询.

Please note that all fully enrolled students are eligible to use emergency services 当他们上课的时候. 这包括正在接受治疗的学生 来自私人医生. 学生是 远离 校园(e.g.(如休假、学期休假或在国外学习)应拨打9-1-1 或者去当地的急诊室寻求帮助.

Q. 我担心一个朋友,我该去哪里寻求帮助?

The 咨询中心 is available for third-party consultation to anyone (faculty, staff, family member, or student) who is concerned about the safety or well-being 火博体育学生的尸体. 预约面对面的第三方咨询,请致电 或者去一下办公室. 如果是与安全有关的紧急情况,请注明 这样我们才能做出适当的回应. 我们也提供电话咨询 远离校园的相关人士. 只需拨打咨询中心main 请拨打(518-580-5555)电话咨询. 最后是下班后的咨询 可供使用 安全突发事件 拨打咨询中心的总机号码并按照提示操作.