

Learning how to successfully manage your time is essential to being productive on 按日计算. Time management is a learned skill and it takes time and practice to 真正掌握它.  这里有一些建议可能会有所帮助.

  • Make a "To do" list - Write down everything that you have to do, sometimes just having it out of your head and down on paper can minimize your stress. 然后确定优先级 what you have to do now, what can wait until later, and what you can hand off to another person.
  • Buy a Planner and use it - Write down you appointments, classes, meetings and assignments. Then you can check to see what is ahead for the day/week/month so that you can be prepared. This will also prevent you from over booking your time.
  • Develop blocks of study time - Determine how long you can personally focus (30 minutes, 50 minutes?),确保你计划好了你需要的休息时间. 有计划的休息可以 让你的时间更有效率. 记住更难的材料 也可能需要更频繁的休息.
  • Do the hardest stuff first - If you start with the task that will be the hardest you will not be trying to tackle it when you are already tired from doing all your other work. When you are done you will feel better and be able to do the rest of your assignments with ease.
  • Learn where you can study the best - find the place that has the fewest distractions 这样你才能最大限度地集中注意力.
  • Use spare minutes wisely - hit mute and study during the commercial breaks of your favorite TV show or bring a book to lunch when you know you will be eating alone.
  • Remember that it is okay to say "No" - If your boss asks you to pick up some extra hours and you have a large paper to write, realize that it is ok to say no.
  • Sleep - If you are not getting enough sleep all the tasks that you need to do will 似乎更难. Make time to sleep and you will be able to be more productive 在你醒着的时候. 
  • Keep things in perspective - Setting goals that are not realistic will only make you 从长远来看,你会感觉很糟糕,并限制了你的效率. 记住你不能做的事 everything and that if something slips it is not the end of the world.

Use these tips if they help you, but you need to set priorities that fit your lifestyle 这样你才能实现你的目标.



Information and resources for students seeking to manage their time more effectively, increase productivity, reduce procrastination, and find a healthy balance between 学业需求、社交生活和自我照顾.





Quick Overview of the Principles of Effective 时间管理








  • Our phones can be both a great productivity tool and the worst distraction. Use Offtime to block the use of all or some of your apps for a preset time. 屏蔽电话和信息; 同时,把注意力集中在你面前的任务上.
  • Android和iOS: http://offtime.app/index.php





  • Get automatically paired up with an accountability buddy who will be in touch with 你必须确保完成你的工作.
  • 注册FocusMate.com first: http://www.focusmate.com/








健康指导 is a service aimed at helping Skidmore students achieve specific 与健康相关的目标. 寻求帮助来提高你的时间管理技能, staying better organized, and reducing procrastination. 由训练有素的专业人员组成, 健康指导 can also help you with other areas of health such as self-care, sleep, school-life balance, and generally making better lifestyle choices regarding 营养,锻炼等等. 访问他们的网站(上面列出)开始.





The Office of Student Academic Services provides a wide variety of services to promote academic achievement and help students take full advantage of the academic opportunities 在Skidmore有售. SAS regularly helps students learn new and effective time-management strategies.





咨询中心 at 火博体育大学 is a helpful resource for addressing pervasive mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression, as well as a place to work on the more common day-to-day challenges of being a college student. 一次做一个计划 appointment with us to discuss concerns related to time management or procrastination and explore helpful strategies for addressing these issues, as well as understanding 它们如何适应更广泛的心理健康背景.