

焦虑 can be defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something 未知的或未来的,可以从轻微到严重. 偶尔来一下是正常的 感到紧张、紧张、担心、不安或忧虑. 这些感觉甚至可以证明 在某些情况下是有用的. 例如,低到中等程度的焦虑可能会激励 你可以开始写论文或帮助你在考试中取得好成绩. 然而,焦虑 feelings can start interfering in your life when they are persistent and feel uncontrollable 或压倒性的. 人们经常会经历焦虑的身体症状,比如:肌肉 tension, sweating, nausea, feeling as though you can't breathe or swallow, jumpiness, 肠胃问题,感觉“紧张不安”,睡眠问题和疲劳. 人们可能会 also describe feeling as though their mind is racing or going in circles or they may 发现自己无法停止思考某件事.

点击 在这里 to watch videos of college students talking about their own experiences with 焦虑 障碍.

每个人都有自己独特的焦虑诱因. 常见的焦虑诱因包括 public speaking, exams, making new friends, transitioning to a new place or a new 人生的阶段和对未来的规划. 焦虑症有不同的类型 including Panic Disorder, Generalized 焦虑 Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social 焦虑 Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Specific Phobias. 这 page will give you more in-depth information about the differences between these 障碍: 了解焦虑障碍.

你 should seek professional help if you experience any of these symptoms regularly, for a period of more than a few months, if they're accompanied by panic attacks, or if they are interfering with the everyday functions and activities in your life. 你 你能预约吗咨询中心 by stopping by their office on the first floor of Jonsson Tower or by calling 518-580-5555.

T在这里 are also relaxation techniques you can do on your own to help with stress and 焦虑. Check out the following link to learn about diaphragmatic breathing and progressive 肌肉放松法:







5 .自我护理活动和练习.org


焦虑和抑郁在线支持小组- ADAA




怎么了? (免费应用程序)

苹果 / 谷歌玩

怎么了? uses techniques from both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy to help users cope with mental-health issues like 焦虑, depression, and 愤怒. 除此之外,这款应用还提供了一个带有评分量表的日记功能 your emotions, a “catastrophe scale” to help you put problems in perspective, breathing techniques, and an interactive question game to keep you feeling grounded during stressful 时刻. It also serves up answer forums, positive quotes, and silly-sweet metaphors 只是为了帮助你专注于感觉良好.

停止恐慌 & 焦虑自助(免费)


惊恐发作可能很严重. 这款自助应用提醒你自己的长处和 当恐慌被触发时的应对能力. 应用程序中的日记可以帮助你 注意并挑战导致恐慌的想法. 该应用程序还具有音频功能 content and reading that empowers you with the cognitive behavioral therapy-based 可以帮助消除恐慌发作的技巧. 紧急救援音频是你的声音 of reason mid-panic attack, while the Emotional Training track helps you reconfigure 你的想法和联想给你的生活带来更多的平静.


苹果 / 谷歌玩

被苹果公司评为 2017年最佳心理健康应用, Pacifica is both easy to use and beautifully designed with a soothing purple and 蓝色的界面. 这款应用为你提供了追踪情绪、健康和习惯的空间, offering relaxation techniques and mindfulness exercises tailored to your specific 需要. 如果你感到恐慌,它还提供了精心策划的音频练习 attack, are faced with a stressful moment at work, or even just stuck on the subway.


苹果 / 谷歌玩

TalkLife, which calls itself “your place to talk to people who get you,” was developed as a judgment-free chat room for people struggling with self-harm, depression, 焦虑, 压力、饮食失调、欺凌或自杀念头. 谈话要小心谨慎 monitored and users are encouraged to ask questions, chronicle their struggles, and 匿名或指名道姓地提供小费.


苹果 /谷歌玩

Downloading Rootd means you can work on improving your panic and anxious mood while 支持一款女性主导的应用. 除了正念练习和循序渐进 guides to tactics such as deep breathing, the app features an emergency contact button that makes it simple to call a loved one or hotline when you’re in distress. 个人 Stats Page is another source of encouragement, as it tracks the number of panic attacks 你已经克服并完成了应用内课程的数量.


苹果 / 谷歌玩

What if the daily disappointments in your life — a bad date, a fumble at work, a strained relationship with a friend — could be seen as an opportunity to strengthen your resilience? Created by game designer and self-help author Jane McGonigal, SuperBetter — based 在她的  of the same name — helps frame life’s challenges as part of a tough but rewarding 游戏,玩家通过“任务”走向更大的目标. 两个 单独的 研究 甚至发现玩SuperBetter可以改善心理健康.



To use Worry Watch, just follow five easy steps: record, reflect, reason, realize, 和反驳. 这款应用可以通过先问你的问题来跟踪你的精神状态 to write down the cause of your stress, and later asks you to return to the app to reflect on the worry and note whether the ultimate outcome was good or bad. 基于 on your responses, the app generates charts and statistics to help you analyze your thought patterns — and, in many cases, come to the realization that your worries are 毫无根据的.


苹果 /谷歌玩

Happify claims that its games can help increase your happiness and reduce stress while 教你改变生活的习惯. 当你进入应用程序时,你会被问到一系列问题 of questions that will help determine which “track” you should follow, with options 比如克服消极的想法或应对压力. 根据你的回答, app then assigns you daily quizzes and activities focused on helping you advance toward 你的轨迹勾勒出的目标.

大脑.FM(5次免费,6美元).99 /月订阅)

苹果 /谷歌玩

用它自己的话来说,就是Brain的目标.Fm是一款与神经科学家协商开发的应用程序, “释放音乐影响认知状态的潜力?.选择你想要的 outcome — focus, meditation, relaxation, nap, or nighttime sleep — and the app’s algorithm 会生成音乐来帮助你在15分钟内完成它吗.

HEADSPACE(免费基础课程,$12.99 /月订阅)

苹果 /谷歌玩

Headspace提供了一个解决方案. 这款应用程序包括“正念时刻”,让你保持当下 throughout the day, as well as mini meditation exercises for a quick mental reset. The basic course, which is free, offers beginner-level instructions to help you think more mindfully about everything from eating to sleeping to social interactions.